“By asking for assistance, you are demonstrating that you have an in depth knowledge of yourself, and are a confident person. It is great evidence that you are fully aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, and willing to learn and grow.” Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi
Man was never born to be alone or to live in isolation. We were born to live in community; we were born to live with one another, and complement one another. So please, ASK for assistance! Ask, Seek, and Knock (ASK)! Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door shall be opened onto you.
One of the things that often hold people back from asking is fear…fear of rejection, fear of dismissal, and fear of being considered a failure, looser and/or sounding silly. You should never be afraid to ask, thus letting fear hold you back. There is absolutely no such thing as a foolish question. Every question is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become more knowledgeable. You would be amazed that even the most “silly” question, enables us to learn some amazing and profound life lessons. Furthermore, the most foolish questions according to other people’s perceptions might just turn out to be lifesaving. It might just be the one question that will take you to your final destination of resolution, fulfilment, and success.
Consequently, do not be afraid to ask for assistance, guidance, and/or direction. When you ask, one of these two things happens: you either have a positive response or a negative one. However, the interesting thing is that, you actually lose nothing; even if the response is negative. On the other hand, if the response is positive, then, you have got a lot to gain…you are now in possession of something that you would never have had, if you had not taken the time and courage to step out and ask. You should always remember that asking is a great strength… and demonstrates your ability and willingness to learn and grow.
Therefore, ask, ask, and ask, without ceasing until it is given unto you. Do not take no to mean rejection. Look at it as another step closer to the next available option that will lead you to the solution. Never take any rejection or refusal personal. Most probably the person saying no cannot genuinely help you or is unable to resolve the problem—so keep searching for your next potential mentor, coach, and/or role model.
Ask someone for something you need today. Check out and get on board our mentoring and coaching programs now: http://www.drsylvialikambi.com/mentoring-2/